Digimon Battle Online Wiki

Stage Mega
Level 84
Attribute Vaccine
Location(s) Sky Dungeon 2nd Fl
Obtainable? Not capturable

Obtainable through Nyaromon

Stat growth 2 STR, 3 DEX, 2 CON, 1 INT
Stat focus Agile


Shinning Javelin (Required VP: 61)

Attack Type: Long Distance

Effective Range: 1

Required Level: 41

Sephirote Crystal (Required VP: 66)

Attack Type: Long Distance

Effective Range: 5

Required Level: 46


WIND PROTECTION- When being attacked by an area distant attack

Evade Critical Hit by a certain rate


Normal Digivolution Tree[]

In-Training: Nyaromon

Rookie: Salamon

Champion: Gatomon

Ultimate: Angewomon

Mega: Ophanimon

Armor Digivolution 1[]

Required: Digi-Egg of Friendship +1

In-Training: Nyaromon

Rookie: Salamon

Champion: Rabbitmon

Ultimate: Angewomon

Mega: Ophanimon

Armor Digivolution 2[]

Required: Digi-Egg of Hope +1

In-Training: Nyaromon

Rookie: Salamon

Champion: Goatmon

Ultimate: Angewomon

Mega: Ophanimon

Armor Digivolution 3[]

Required: Digi-Egg of Light +1

In-Training: Nyaromon

Rookie: Salamon

Champion: Nefertimon

Ultimate: Angewomon

Mega: Ophanimon

Card Digivolution Tree[]

- Required: Magnadramon Card 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5

In-Training: Nyaromon
Rookie: Salamon
Champion: Gatomon
Ultimate: Angewomon
Mega: Magnadramon